Our goals in Orthodontics is to correct upper and lower jaw alignment, the alignment of the teeth, and to establish excellent function of the teeth. This will improve oral hygiene for a life time, thus reducing the frequency of decay and gum disease. The proper alignment of the teeth will assist in more thorough brushing and easier flossing. Proper function of the teeth reduces the development of jaw joint problems.

Early interceptive orthodontics can eliminate habits such as thumb/finger sucking, tongue thrusting, and lower lip biting. If the upper teeth are erupting inside the lower teeth (called Cross Bite) palate widening can be attained which helps to prevent jaw joint disease and asymmetrical growth of the face. Guided Serial extraction of baby teeth can often prevent the need to extract permanent teeth later.

Adolescent orthodontics (usually ages 10 through 13) with the use of full braces completes the orthodontic treatment with beautiful alignment of all of the teeth in proper function. The development of an aesthetic and pleasing smile is a gift of a lifetime leading to higher self-esteem. Social skills are much higher because the patient is much more prone to smile.

Adults benefit from braces for the same reasons mentioned for adolescents. The teeth will move in the same way, and porcelain braces or clear aligners can be used to improve aesthetics during orthodontic treatment. Adult orthodontic treatment is well accepted and yields great satisfaction among our family of patients.